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Montpelier Villa FC
Updated August 2020


Important: If anyone shows symptoms of Covid-19 or has been in contact with someone displaying symptoms within the last two weeks, then they should stay at home until an NHS practitioner advises them that they no longer need to remain in isolation. The Government has provided information on what to do if a member of your household has symptoms and it is essential that everyone follows this guidance.

Montpelier Villa FC have a legal duty to take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which are a reasonably foreseeable risk. A risk assessment is a systematic review of the tasks, jobs or processes involved when our club organises, facilitates and/or hosts football activities. The purpose is to identify the significant hazards, the risk of someone being harmed and deciding what further control measures we must take to reduce the risk to an acceptable level. This Risk assessment covers risks associated with the Covid-19 pandemic and how the club intends to ensure that its members and activities will operate within the Government guidance.

The public health crisis is constantly developing and so will our club’s response to it. We are responsible for ensuring that risk assessments are completed, continually reviewed in light of changing Government guidance, feedback and observations from staff. For example, Government guidance in respect of certain ‘at risk’ groups and what activities are permitted may change. This may significantly impact the club’s’ practices and what measures need to be in place.

We have appointed Garry Butterworth-Hayes as our Covid-19 officer and his contact details are should you need to contact him about anything related to our activities with regard to Covid-19.


Montpelier Villa FC club officials and coaches will keep in mind at all times the safety of participants. The club will review the measures implemented in response to these regularly, particularly when Government advice or guidance changes.

We will keep up to date with Government and FA guidance to ensure that they are followed at all times and communicate the guidelines to all individuals connected with the club. Please see the latest FA Guidance on Permitted Grassroots Activity During Covid-19.

We will contact the club’s insurance provider to ensure that our club is suitably covered to undertake activities in the current public health crisis.

We will undertake regular risk assessments of the club’s activities, ensuring that each one is named, signed and dated by those completing and approving it. Risk assessments are ’living documents‘ and should be updated and reviewed regularly and kept in active use to mitigate any new or changing risks. Undertake specific employee/volunteer risk assessments for anyone undertaking high-risk roles or tasks.

Adapt activities and update the club’s policies in light of steps 1-3. Policies to be updated include: Data Privacy Policy to cover the handling of data where clubs capture data about attendees at sessions to aid the NHS Test and Trace service.
Ensure that everyone – board/committee members, coaches, first aiders, volunteers, parents and players – is aware of the club’s Covid-19 protocols.

Do not undertake an activity if the club has any concerns about the safety of club officials and/or participants.


Coaching children during the current public health crisis will have its challenges, particularly with younger children. Below is a non-exhaustive list of issues our club has considered when preparing this risk assessment during the Covid-19 pandemic:

Communication with parents and carers is key when resuming the coaching of children. See the FA’s guidance that has been published for parents and carers.

Gaining informed written consent for involvement in any activity. Where a child is aged 15 years or younger then parents/carers must give informed written consent via a consent form or e-mail trail, before their child can take part in football activity. NB: While The FA supports informed written self-consent from those aged 16 and 17 years of age – in these unusual times we wish to seek parent/carer consent for these two age groups as well. b. The club will ensure that parents/carers are fully informed about any football activity being considered and the measures that are in place to ensure that the activity follows current Government guidance.

The club will do this e.g. by providing written information to parents/carers outlining the activity being offered and measures being taken to manage risks via and inviting permission via a consent form or via an e-mail. We will use wording such as: requires parental consent before your child takes part in any football activities. By replying to this e-mail and stating “I consent for my child to take part”, you are confirming that you have read and understood the activities being offered to your child and agree with the measures the club has put in place to manage any risks, including its Covid-19 measures in line with current Government guidance. If your child has any specific medical conditions, please ensure that you discuss these with the club welfare officer and or coach and agree the best way to support your child’s needs e.g. you staying to watch nearby and taking responsibility to administer the medication. For your information the club may use a form to gather any relevant information from you. If your child has had Covid-19, or symptoms for more than seven days, you must seek medical approval from your family doctor before they can restart any football activity. If you wish to withdraw consent to your child participating in any or all activities, please notify in advance, or as soon as possible.

 Parents need to ensure that their child has their own water bottle, hand sanitiser, sun cream                 and any necessary medication (e.g. inhaler). All items belonging to their child should be             labelled with their name and should not be used by anyone else.

4. The period of isolation may have caused some children to become anxious or unsure about resuming activity. The club only supports their return to football when they and their parents/carers feel confident for them to do so. We will offer to speak to parents of children about potential issues if needed and make gradual introductions if needed, particularly when needing to incorporate new protective measures.

5. For more information on safeguarding children and the suitability of staff and volunteers please see The FA’s guidance.

VENUE Key considerations for clubs when drafting a risk assessment:


We encourage socially-distant forms of transport (e.g. cycling and walking). All other forms of transport should be considered before public transport; Government guidance should be followed at all times; Adults and children should only travel with a member of their household or someone within their ‘support bubble’. Please note that separated parents, living in different households and those in ‘support bubbles’ announced by Government on 10 June 2020, can also car share.


The club will discuss with club officials and parents the options of how best to manage social distancing amongst parents who bring their children to the activity, e.g. staying in their own cars, or in separate social distancing ‘gatherings’ of up to six people.

Each manger should use their Medical Emergency Action Plan (MEAP) for the event or venue they are using (example on Basecamp). See also The FA First Aid Guidance. If there is a first aider or other medical personnel present, they should be equipped with the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) before treating anyone to protect themselves and others should they need to compromise social distancing guidelines to provide medical assistance during training or matches.

They should have updated themselves on any changes in first aid procedure that will be required as a result of the pandemic. This should be obtained from their training organisation or from Resuscitation Council guidance.

Before travelling to the session each manager should request that each participant undertakes the following self-screen check list before travelling to a training session or other football activity. If they answer ‘yes’ to any one of them they should not travel to the training session and follow all applicable Government Guidance (e.g. call NHS 111). It is important to remember some people can pass on the virus before they develop symptoms, or never have symptoms despite being infectious. Despite everyone’s best efforts, these cannot be screened out of training.

Each participant should self-screen prior to arrival at training to ensure they do not have any of the following symptoms (confirmed by a parent for those under age 18), as these are potential indicators of Covid-19 infection. Check negative Check positive A high temperature (above 37.8o C)

A new continuous cough. Shortness of breath. A sore throat. Loss of or change in normal sense of taste or smell. Feeling generally unwell. Been in close contact with/living with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 in the recent past.

Arrival at the venue Coaches at the club should check that each participant completed the self-screen check list before attending and if so, if the self-screen checks were negative for all participants. Ensuring everyone understands the importance of this simple process being completed before travelling is essential to avoid potential transmission. If a participant says they forgot to self-check before their arrival, then the coach should ask them the health check questions before they join any group at the facility. If they answer ‘yes’ to one or more of the questions, participants must not take part in the activity and should be told to safely return home.

During the session Please refer to The FA First Aid guidance, for how to manage the situation if anyone appears to be symptomatic during the session.

If a player gets injured, a member of their household or support bubble, can aid them if for example they are watching from their car, but others will still need to socially distance unless a life threatening, or serious injury necessitates compromising guidelines to provide emergency care. In all cases, NHS guidance on further management should be followed.

The club will ensure that the relevant Insurance provisions (public liability and personal accident cover) are in place and that there is suitable cover for training sessions and other football activities taking place during the Covid-19 pandemic. Even with the insurance cover, the club must still follow Government guidance, to ensure that they do not risk invalidating their insurance cover.



Please refer to the ‘Useful information’ section below for Government guidance on cleaning in non-health care settings.

We will ensure: Clean equipment between uses: – Manages to identify who will regularly maintain the equipment hygiene e.g. balls, cones, goalposts and bibs; – Thoroughly clean the equipment e.g. balls, cones, goalposts, etc.; – Bibs should not be used unless they can be washed between sessions. Limit sharing of equipment where possible: – Ensure equipment is handled as little as possible by as few people as possible; – Each participant should bring to training their own water bottles, sun cream and medication each of which should be clearly labelled with their name. • Have strict hand hygiene: – If individuals are going to share equipment, including balls, always ensure the individuals’ hands are thoroughly cleansed using alcohol-based hand gel, if clean running water and soap are not available, before and after use.


Managers / coaches will keep a register of anyone attending sessions, to help manage ‘NHS test and trace’, if an infection is reported to someone present. Each training session or football activity will be carefully planned to ensure that they are structured to ensure that the Government guidance are maintained. We will consider whether pitch markings or cones can be put in place to ensure that social distancing is maintained.

Competitive training can take place for all participants, in an outdoor setting provided this takes place in groups of no more than 30 (including coaches). The club will ensure activities follow the latest guidance. • If space allows, we will increase social distancing between players during heavy exertion.


The CDC (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention) provides information on how to wash your hands, both with soap and water and hand gel, link here;

Government guidelines on handwashing; See The FA First Aid guidance for infographics on hand washing and hand rubbing; Follow Public Health England guidance for cleaning in non-healthcare settings and if a Covid-19 case is reported at the facility here; Government’s guidance on the return of sport. NB: This risk assessment does not include travel, trips and tournaments for teams or overnight accommodation as these are currently not allowed under Government guidance.


This guidance is for general information only and does not constitute legal advice, nor it is a replacement for such, nor does it replace any Government or PHE advice; nor does it provide any specific commentary or advice on health-related issues. Affected organisations should therefore ensure that they seek independent advice from medical practitioners, or healthcare providers, prior to implementing any re-opening plan, as required. Independent legal advice should be sought, as required and depending on your, or relevant circumstances. While efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information at the time of publication, the reader is reminded to check the Government website to obtain the most up-to-date information regarding social distancing and any other Government measures.

Montpelier Villa FC 2020

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